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4 min read
Self-publishing - the statistics
#Selfpublishing is an increasing option for writers. 264% in 5 years! So what are the statistics for #indieauthors? Here's some data to help
7 min read
Why Self-Publish? The facts.
The traditional publishing world is dying. Before spending more time on submissions, read why #selfpublishing is the future.
11 min read
Meet the Independents: Phil Williams
#indieauthors from the fantasy genre tell us why they #selfpublish. Phil Williams shares his experiences as an independent in publishing.
9 min read
Low-cost tips to promote your book for self-published authors
How to promote your work as a self-published author in the digital world - without it costing much. Some helpful tips for limited budgets.
9 min read
ALWAYS judge a book by its cover
Advice for self-published authors on creating your the cover for your book. Helpful tips, information and hyperlinks to avoid the pitfalls!
6 min read
Raise your media profile
Building a media profile to promote your work isn't somrthing all writers find easy - but it's necessary. Here are some essential tips.
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