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8 min read
History of the Werewolf
The werewolf myth is over 4,000 years old and appear in global cultures. Why is it so timeless? History, media & psychology offer reasons.

7 min read
A-Z Witches and Witchcraft for Writers
My post curates the research on witches and witchcraft I've done for my next novel. I hope other writers find it helpful and inspiring.

6 min read
What is Science Fantasy?
Science fantasy is subgenre of speculative fiction - but what makes it different? How might this difference help writers create stories?

10 min read
Fairies, Folklore and Fantasy
My post explores how fairies feature in folklore in history and cultures across the world. Perfect source material for fantasy writers.

11 min read
Folklore Magic for Fantasy Authors
A catalogue of sources of folklore where magic plays a vital role - to inspire and inform fantasy authors looking for ideas and answers.

9 min read
The A to Z of British (and Irish) Mythological Creatures
The United Kingdom is 94,354 square miles. In comparison to many nations, it’s not that big! Yet, size isn’t everything when it comes to...
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